There are a few Pokemon that are blue turtles in appearance. The most popular one is Squirtle, along with its evolution forms: Wartortle and Blastoise. There are other 2 fossil Pokemon named Tirtouga and Carracosta that are blue turtles as well.
well it begins with the new game after you named yourself prof.oak will say this is my grandson he`s been you rival since you were both babies and the rival is the Pokemon champ in leaf green
Squirtle, Wartortle, or Blastoise.
turtle toad, tea
Nemo's acolyte green turtle is named Squirt.
deoxys named Pokemon is only in Pokemon emerald, fire red and leaf green
its green...,..and anyway the green turtle is a turtle except its green :D :O :| :( :) :{| Bye bros peace out
im not completely sure, but i think it is because they are the color GREEN and they live in the SEA, hence the name: green sea turtle
Green sea turtle was created in 1758.
does the green sea turtle shiver
The turtle could be pink or green.
yes it is called the green sea turtle There is a species known as the green sea turtle, latin name Chelonia mydas. They are the slowest growing of the sea turtle species due to a diet low in protein. They are characterized by the starburst pattern on the shell and two scales between the eyes. Sadly they are poached for their greenish skin :(
There is no Pokemon named that
It is named that because the top of the sub looks like a turtle's shell.
The turtle in Entourage is named Salvatore "Turtle" Assante.