f58f9e22aaee10bd-10 gemsTaken from: http://ourWorld-Guide.com
october gem is a gifted gem from the undead
A zircon is a gem.
Well, you can find Gem Tone Crayons of Etsy.com
You can get the gem box for your room by going to the W Shop and clicking on storage. The gem bow for your room will be listed there.
heyy. come check out my blog for all the gem codes! http://x0xdarkangelx0x.blogspot.com/ ~ XxXDarkAngel0XxX
the code is ....... 24wysiwyg23
the code is 6ABE2EDB0F5B51D5.
The September gem code is on this blog, it is only 10 gems, but there are lots of other tips and stuff for the our world community. http://ourworldsuvivourguide.blogspot.com/
f58f9e22aaee10bd-10 gemsTaken from: http://ourWorld-Guide.com
i don't know i tried everything but it didn't work
Gem's. Gem's could also be 'gem is' so you have to note the context of the word to tell if it is possessive or 'is' eg The gem's green -- gem's = gem is The gem's colour is green. -- gem's = possessive
f58F-9e22-AaEe-10bD and 4fd0-c149-16d9-0B4alilmissinnocent on our world :)
october gem is a gifted gem from the undead
Go to owmissfashion.wordpress.com. She has a lot of good gem codes. The website is new, so there aren't too many, though.