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Infernapes First Attack Is Fire Spin

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Q: What is the first attack learned by infernape?
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On platinum when does infernape learn earthquake?

infernape cant learn earthquake by leveling up, it can only be learned by TM 26

What is the special attack of Infernape in Pokemon diamond?

blast burn

What are the two best fire and fighting moves in Pokemon platinum for Infernape?

the best attack for infernape are bulk up, flamethrower ,thunderpunch and brickbreak

Is Infernape stronger than blaziken?

Blaziken and infernape can both learn flying attack and gound attacks but to me i say it is tie they are both fire and fighting

Does Infernape want to learn an attack at lvl 70 Pokemon diamond?

No, its last attack it learns is Flare blitz at lvl 57.

Who is better Infernape or Charizard?

charazard better moves more attack easier level up + Infernape has really low stats except attack and speed. 'Zard's stats are better overall. Plus Charizard learns heat wave which is a really useful move.

What is the best move set for infernape?

For an attack infernape like mine, i use 1-Flare Blitz 2-Brick Break 3-Thunderpunch 4-Shadow Claw you can have Bulk Up as well if you want For a special attack infernape, you need 1-Flamethrower or Blast Burn 2-Grass Knot or Solarbeam 3-Focus Blast 4-Calm Mind or Sunny Day(if you have solarbeam)

Should any moves of my Infernape knows be changed it knows 1 blast burn 2 close combat 3 flare blitz 4 flamethrower?

You should teach it based on your Infernape's stats. Most Infernape have good speed, special attack, and attack. More of them have good special attack. A good set would be moves that cover its weaknesses too. Infernape is very frail at its defenses. A move should be able to take down a strong Pokemon with one shot. For example, Infernape can knock out a Staraptor or Pidgeotto with Stone Edge. So I recommend: Flare Blitz/Burn Blast, Focus Blast/Close Combat, Stone Edge/Rock slide, and Earthquake/Thunderpunch. I prefer Earthquake due to its abilty to hurt Dewgong or Entei which might use Dive or Dig to take down Infernape. GOod luck!

What level does Infernape learn Mach Punch?

Because the Pokemon Infernape is first obtainable at level 36 when Monferno evolves, its moveset for moves prior to level 36 must be learned prior to its evolution. Chimchar, its first evolution, does not learn Mach Punch, and must evolve to Monferno at level 14. It learns Mach Punch immediately upon evolving.

What starter Pokemon in leafgreen has the most attack?

Torterra 348 atack :) Infernape 337 atack :p Empoleon 298 :o

How would you rate this team wailord pelipper yanmega gallade mamoswine torterra?

Not very good. You see, even with a team of just a few Pokemon tjhat are fire based (or like infernape), you get owned easily Torterra<<Infernape Wailord<Infernape Mamoswime<<<<Infernape Pelipper<Infernape Yanmega=Infernape Gallde=Infernape so 3/10. Don't put contradicting types in a party.

Who is a better Pokemon infernape or gachomp?

im guessing infernape cause infernape is a starter