The fastest way to do it in 2010 is to go fishing, get your fishing to lvl 15, then you can get sharks and a great white will give you like 150 rep. for catching it, but for catching a mega mouth shark its 300 rep... So have fun and good luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The fastest way of getting level 70 Defense would be Soul Wars 50/50, if it's still going.
Easy. Give him or her an Experience Share, then battle a high level pokemon.
If your not cheating, then the fastest way is to buy high level logs and fletch them. Since arrows and bows are sellable you'll be loosing only some of the money.
Seriously, the fastest way from level 90-99, is Soul Wars. It takes 2 weeks to get the 1000 points and every 100 points gets you a level.
work with them a lot until they level up but don't let him or her faint very much or else they wont like you
You have to be level 20 to unlock the grenades. by the way im level 99 on Pirates online.In pirates online you can only get to lvl 50,so hes/she lieing!the max level of your weapons is 30 i have level 13 for swords:username Dark Caliber
Go to Kingshead and battle your hearts out
Battle people that are low level and not very good.
Do quests.
rare candy
The fastest way to level up is to grind, which is killing mobs that are your level until you level. This is a quick way, but.... is incredibly boring. I suggest doing quests, and buying a leveling guide which will help you level as fast as possible. Zygors guide is the best on the market.
Assuming your probably wanting to level to 80 now. Questing is the fastest way to level, if you aren't a fan of questing then you can level through AV after 60 which is about an hour longer.
there is no "fast" way to get to level 100 if you can even get to that sure that you can only get to level 60-70 MAX
battle a guy in Leigon
play hard
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