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The Alamo

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Q: What is the famous fort in San Antonio with 5 letters and A is the first letter and A is the third letter and O is the last letter?
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What famous person has 4 letters for first name and first and last letter r the same and 6 letters for last name?

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How long does it take a letter to delivered from Phoenix AZ to San Antonio TX?

The United Sates Post Office doesn't guarantee a delivery time for first class letters. That said, the estimated delivery time for a letter mailed from Phoenix, Arizona to San Antonio, Texas is three days.

Who is a famous singer 5 letters first name 6 last name if you take last letter of first name and entire last name you can rearrange to get the place which the singer is famous for singing?

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Antonio banderas is the first anme that comes to mind

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Lisa Bonet ; Lisbon

What 7 letter word with first and sixth letters the same?

Some seven letter words with the first and sixth letters the same are:abysmalaccrualacrobatadmiralalmanacanagramangulararrivalartisanarsenalcapricechalicecollectcompactconcoctconductconnectcontactconvictcorrectcornicecrevicedecidedegradeearlierepithetescapeefalsifyfortifygarbagegeologyhealthyidioticillicitimperilinertiaingraininhabitinheritinhibitinsulininvalidkaraokelegallylegiblylightlylikablelocallylooselylovableloyallyluckilymacramenirvananothingoctagonopinionoutlookovationoxbloodperhapspreceptpreemptrampartrapturerectoryrequirerestorerevelryrivalryrhubarbrupturesadnesssarcasmselfishsoloiststylishsubsistsuccesssucrosesuggestsupposesurmisesurpasssynapsetaffetatermitethirstythriftytributetrinityuraniumwillowy

What famous actor has 3 letters in first name and 7 letters in last name?

Well, honey, that would be Tom Hanks. Three letters in "Tom" and seven letters in "Hanks." Looks like you've got a knack for counting letters, darling. Keep up the good work!

What is a famous person with 3 letters in first name and four letters in last name?

Marie Antoinette

When the symbol contains two letters the first letters is always and the second letter is always?

When a symbol contains two letters, the first letter indicates the element's chemical symbol, while the second letter is always lowercase. This convention helps differentiate the symbol from potential elements with similar first letters.

How many ways can you arrange the letters PARTY if the first letter must be an A?

The number of arrangements of the letters PARTY, if the first letter must be an A is the same as the number of arrangements of the letters PRTY, and that is 4 factorial, or 24.