Well, in my opinion, although I suck at Sapphire and the rest, I do rock at Generation Four. Basically, if that game has a Poke Radar, try using it in the grass. You might see some patches shake. Run into one, and you'll see a Pokemon. Catch it, or kill it. Next, try to remember what that shaking grass looked like. Because now the patches will shake again. Go to one that looked EXACTLY like it. And that same Pokemon will appear. If the same Pokemon did not appear, your chain was broken.
And if you have absolutely NO IDEA what I'm talking about, get off your rear and go buy yourself a DS Pokemon Game! :3
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The same way you would catch a normal Pokemon. The only difference is is that the Pokemon is shiny.
Either cheat or "chain" 40 pokemon.
Yes the same way you get shiny Pokemon in the other Pokemon games is how you get shiny Pokemon in heartgold. There is a free shiny Pokemon in the lake of rage.
no, there is no way to make legendarys shiny or any Pokemon shiny but there is a way to clone them in battle tower.
id say unknowns ive caght at least 5 different unknowns that r shiny
The same way you would catch a normal Pokemon. The only difference is is that the Pokemon is shiny.
Either cheat or "chain" 40 pokemon.
The easiest way is to use the Poke'Radar.
shiny Pokemon are rare Pokemon with a different colour there is a 1-80% chance that you will find one so there is no easy way to find one unless you cheat!>:)
there is no easy way im not exactly sure of the figures but there is an extremely low chance of catching a shiny pokemon, so just keep on hunting for it
You just become awesome by being awesome then you be awesome and get it.
the chance of it being shiny will always be a 50 percent chance, unless you use a gameshark
The easiest way would be to RNG abuse, but this is in the wrong category.
Yes the same way you get shiny Pokemon in the other Pokemon games is how you get shiny Pokemon in heartgold. There is a free shiny Pokemon in the lake of rage.
The easiest way is to use codes
If you mean a shiny Lugia, yes but it's very difficult. The easiest way is through cheats.
You have to be lucky. It's about a 1 in a million chance that you find a shiny. I think the easiest way to catch a shiny legendary is to save in front of it and keep restarting until it's shiny.