near the end of mount moon the super nerd will challenge you if you win you will choose either the dome fossil or the helix fossil if you lose you will get sent to the Pokemon center at the entrance you can restore it when you get to cinnabar city you can not get the other fossil you choose
The Dome Fossil can be revived into the pokemon kabuto.
Go to Mt. Moon and go until you fight this scientist person and then you will be able to get the dome fossil.
There is no ar code to get omantye in fire red. In Mt. Moon you will find a scientist and he will give you a choice of two fossils, the helix fossil or the dome fossil. if you want Kabuto choose the dome fossil, and if you want omantye choose the Helix Fossil.
Dome Fossil = Kabuto (Lv 40, evolves to Kabutops) Helix Fossil = Omanyte (Lv 40, evolves to Omastar) Old Amber = Aerodactyl
By defeating Super Nerd Miguel at the end of Mt. Moon, you will be able to choose from two Fossils: the Helix Fossil, and the Dome Fossil. Later in the game, when you make it to Cinnabar Island where the seventh gym is located, you will be able to change your fossil back into a Pokémon at the laboratory. If you picked the Helix Fossil, your Pokémon will be Omanyte, and if you picked the Dome fossil, your Pokémon will be Kabuto.
The Dome Fossil can be revived into the pokemon kabuto.
it evolves into a kabuto
The dome fossil is only in firered and leafgreen, you can get the claw fossil or some other fossil, the claw fossil is anorith the other one is lileep.
Go through Mt Moon and there will be a guy in there who will give you the choice of either a dome fossil or a helix fossil. I hope this helps.
Go to Mt. Moon and go until you fight this scientist person and then you will be able to get the dome fossil.
cinnabar island research center
If taken to cinnbar island's research lab you can revive the Pokemon inside the fossil which will be Kabuto.
you can't catch it you need to take the dome fossil have it revived, then evolve kabuto.
you can't you have to get the dome fossil from firered/leafgreen and them trade it to your game...hope that helps!
There is no ar code to get omantye in fire red. In Mt. Moon you will find a scientist and he will give you a choice of two fossils, the helix fossil or the dome fossil. if you want Kabuto choose the dome fossil, and if you want omantye choose the Helix Fossil.
in mt moon on ur way 2 cereluen city ull have a choice of the claw fossil or the dome fossil. the dome fossil has omastar. u wont be able to get omastar until u visit cinnabar city first
First of all you need to have picked the dome fossil in mt moon, if you didn't get it get a kabuto from another firered or leafgreen, if you did bring the dome fossil to cinnibar island and go to the research lab go to the far right room and speak to the scientist near the machine he will take your dome fossil and then go outside of the lab then come back in and talk to the lab guy again and he will give you a kabuto. Now train kabuto to level 40 and it will evolve to kabutops.