Thunder can inflict more damage but it misses often, Thunderbolt inflicts decent damage and has 100% accuracy but that doesn't mean it will never miss like Shock Wave.
It will learn "Thunder" (with an attack of 120 and accuracy rate of 70), a far better move than "Thunderbolt", at level 61. But it does not learn "Thunderbolt". You can, though, give it a "Thunderbolt" TM =)
leveling up: thundershock growl tail whip thunder wave quick attack double team slam thunderbolt agility thunder light screen
Metagross cannot learn Thunderbolt. Metagross can learn only two Electric-type moves; Magnet Rise and Thunder Punch. Magnet Rise can be taught by using a Move Reminder NPC. Thunder Punch can be taught by using a Move Tutor NPC in the various Pokemon games where they are available.
Thunder Wave, Thunder Fang, Thunder/Thunderbolt and Protect. Thunder Wave is a good because it can paralyze any Pokemon (and cannot be evaded) and the Pokemon it paralyzes has the chance of not attacking until it is healed (Good to use against Pokemon it's weak against; dragon, grass and electric. However, against another electric Pokemon, it sometimes may not work.) Thunder Fang is a powerful move, and it also can inflict paralysis. It may also cause the foe to flinch (making it not able to attack that turn). Thunder/Thunderbolt is a "last resort" move and should be used when necessary; you only have 5-10 moves. And Protect is a good move if you're battling a strong opponent, also if the other Pokemon has a type advantage. Note: Remember, electric type moves don't effect ground-type Pokemon, so it's best to battle with another (such as water or grass; which is strong against ground-types).
I would say Psychic, Fire blast, Thunder, and Blizzard. ^wow ur funny -.- fire blast, thunder, and blizzard? they're easy to attack miss i would rather teach him flamethrower, thunderbolt, and ice beam.
thunder thunderbolt iron tale spark
easy, get a thunder Pokemon i.e pickachu or raichu that know thunderbolt or thunder get it near suicunes level and kill it :)
No you can not find TM. thunderbolt in the power plant. Sorry. But you can the second most powerful electric attack there, Thunder, along with the Legendary Pokemon Zapdos.
It will learn "Thunder" (with an attack of 120 and accuracy rate of 70), a far better move than "Thunderbolt", at level 61. But it does not learn "Thunderbolt". You can, though, give it a "Thunderbolt" TM =)
thunder bolt was obtaind in the bingo event vary rare tm .
pokemon because if an electric type pokemon uses thunder thunderbolt or thunderschock it would damage the omnitrix's systems
No you need to use the TM it learns Thunder naturally.
By TM, Lugia can learn Thunderbolt, Thunder, Shock Wave, Charge Beam, and Thunder Wave.
there is no move like paralyze.but there are some moves such as thunderbolt,thunder,shock wave,thunder wave,body slam that can cause paralysis
Hyprer Beam Thunderbolt Thunder Fang Thunder
Sure you can. Dragonite can learn both Thunderbolt and Thunder.
raikou's most powerfull moves in Pokemon leaf green and fire red are hyper beam thunderbolt thunder rest