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I would say Psychic, Fire blast, Thunder, and Blizzard.

^wow ur funny -.- fire blast, thunder, and blizzard? they're easy to attack miss

i would rather teach him flamethrower, thunderbolt, and ice beam.

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Q: What is the best moves for mewtwo in Pokemon FireRed?
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What the best Pokemon to beat the elite 4 in firered?

mewtwo, legendaries, begginners and dragonite mewtwo, legendaries, begginners and dragonite

What is the best team on Pokemon FireRed if you have a Charizard?

Charizard, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo, Vaporeon, Gengar.

What is the best Pokemon to beat the elite four with in firered?

Groudon, Kyogre, Rayquaza, Zapdos, Articuno, Mewtwo.

Who is the best legendary Pokemon to catch on Pokemon firered version?

This is VERY debatable. Most say Mewtwo, Mew, Raikou, Entei, Suicune.

Why do you need Mewtwo in FireRed?

Mewtwo is good for beating the elite four (2nd turn), since it can learn moves like Flamethrower, Thunderbolt, Ghost Ball, Phsycic. All these moves are good since they're all special attacks and Mewtwo is one of the best Pokemon in sp.atk. These moves are also super effective versus almost everyone in the elite four and this enables you to beat the elite four fairly easy the 2nd time.

What legendary Pokemon is the best on FireRed?

Well there is no such thing as the best legendary, everybody has his own tastes. The higher leveled legendary you find here is Mewtwo.

What is the best pokemon on firered?

It all depends on how you raise it. There really isn't a such thing as the strongest Pokemon, it depends on its moves, level, stats, and how it was raised.

Pokemon FireRed best Pokemon?

I have awesome team of magneton, lapras, arcanine, venesaur, alakazam( best Pokemon ever in my opinion), and machamp. all very good also consider legendaries

What is the best hm slave for FireRed?

Well not every Pokemon can learn all the hm moves, try tropius.

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Who is the strongest pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

It's mewtwo I have one he/her never dies but you have to level him up to your highest level to be the best I have a level 97 Pokemon that's way stronger than mewtwo he's level 80. It depends on level. If you are talking about lv100 it is mew as mew can learn any attack

Who are the best Pokemon in Pokemon FireRed?

it mostly depends on if you traded,or did the mystery event. If you have done the mystery event you can get deoxes and other legeandarys. but you can catch mewtwo plain. if you traded, it depends on what game. im pretty sure a level 100 mewtwo can take on a level 100 starter.