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From what I've read, Garden, Jungle and Winter are all basically the same (all released the same day - Oct 14 2008). Spring is a newer one (released March 2009) which has all of the same stuff plus a few new games, pets, etc.

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Q: What is the difference between the Littlest Pet Shop DS games?
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What kind of lps should you play?

There's two Littlest pet shop games on the internet.The two LPS games are is... LPSO ( LIttlest Pet Shop Online ) LPS vip

Do they have littlest pet shop games for the xbox 360?

unfortunately no they don't.

Which of the littlest pet shop ds games is the best?

if you want my apinion i would say 'littlest pet shop country' because it is like you are really there and they are relly cut ein that game...

What are the littlest pet shop passwords?

the password for littlest pets is: lpstru it gets u a giraffe as a pet ist for free

How do you get to littlest pet shop?

You have to get a littlest pet shop toy and get a password off of that toy

Which is the best littlest pet shop game?

the littlest pet shop wii game of course!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why is LPS Called Littlest Pet Shop?

because it is short for Littlest Pet Shop, i think

What is the first littlest pet shop?

If you mean the first Littlest Pet Shop pet made, the answer is the tan Chihuahua, pet #1.

Is there going be a littlest pet shop mammoth?

Yes in fact there is going to be a littlest pet shop mammoth.

What is the secret code for Littlest Pet Shop VIP ferret?

there is no littlest pet shop vip that is a ferret