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Same graphics, same gameplay execpt in duke nukem you can look up, down, toggle run, use special utilities(jetpack),jump and duck. That's about it. I have Duke Nukem 3D and doom on my Xbox 360 and love playin them both. Doom is more serious while in Duke Nukem 3D theres humor.

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No, Duke Nukem 3D uses MAP files.

Is duke nukem the same as doom?

No it is not they are two separate stories in different timelines.

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The best Duke Nukem game on Nintendo 64?

It's up to you really. I've only seen two Duke Nukem games on the N64: Duke Nukem 64 And Duke Nukem Zero Hour.

How many duke nukem games are there for PS1?

To date, there have been three Duke Nukem video games for the original Sony PlayStation video game console. They are Duke Nukem 3D (1996), Duke Nukem: Time to Kill(1998), and Duke Nukem: Land of the Babes (2000).

Is there a duke nukem game for ps3?

if duke nukem forever comes out then yeah

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Duke Nukem Advance happened in 2002.

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Duke Nukem Mobile was created in 2004.

When did Duke Nukem II happen?

Duke Nukem II happened in 1993.

When did Duke Nukem Mobile happen?

Duke Nukem Mobile happened in 2004.

What actors and actresses appeared in Duke Nukem II - 1993?

The cast of Duke Nukem II - 1993 includes: Joe Siegler as Duke Nukem