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Attack is the stat that determines the power of a physical move. sp attack is the power of the special move for example judgment does 100 damage but if the arceus has a higher attack than sp.attackthis move will only damage 100 rather than 145

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Q: What is the difference between attack and special attack in Pokemon pearl?
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What is special attack in Pokemon?

Special Attack determines the amount of damage dealt from a move that is in the Special category of attacks. An example of a special attack would be Bubblebeam. If an attack is in the special category, it means that it is an attack in which your Pokemon's body does not make physical contact with the other Pokemon. Example: Tackle would be a physical attack, because your Pokemon charges at your opponent's Pokemon, which makes them physically contact, while Bubblebeam is projected from a Pokemon's mouth, so your Pokemon does not physically touch your opponent's Pokemon. Special Defense deals with how much protection you get from Special category moves.

Is Shinx a Special Attack or Physical attack Pokemon?

Special attack cause its a electric type.

In Pokemon HeartGold what is sp attack?

Sp attack is Special Attack. The greater a Pokemon's special attack the more damage will be done when using a special attack. If you go into a Pokemon's summary screen and look at the moves screen and select them with the stylus the red and yellow symbol is a physical attack and the purple wave looking one denotes a special attack.

In Pokemon which move is better hyper beam or giga impact?

There is no major difference. But hyper beam works better is your pokemon has better special attack and giga impact works better for those with higher attack.

What does ancient power do on Pokemon?

Ancient Power is a special attack, 60 damage Rock-type move. It has a 10% chance of increasing a Pokemon's attack, special attack, defense, special defense, and speed.

Which is the stongest Pokemon in special attack?

Deoxys-A has the highest base special attack of all pokemon, with 180. Among non-legendary pokemon, Chandelure has the highest, with 145.

What is the difference between manaphy and phione?

A manaphy has more hp, defense, special attack, special defense, and speed. A Phione has just about the same attack. Obviously the manaphy is the better choice.

In Pokemon fire red is ice beam physical?

Ice Beam is a Special attack so it's power is based on your pokemon's Special Attack stat.

What does calcium do in Pokemon Red?

Calcium raises the Pokemon's Special Attack stat.

How do you work out if an attack uses the attack stat or the special attack stat in Pokemon?

say if it is flame thrower the Pokemon does not make contact with the other the flamethrower does that is a special attack. Where a move like mach punch it makes physical contact and hits that is a regular attack.

What is sp def in pokemon?

Special defense is resistant to special attacks Like flamethrower is a special attack And your pokemon has a high special defense then it should resist it.

Should you teach your haunter payback?

Haunter is a Pokemon that relies on special attack, so this isn't a good idea. Payback is a physical attack, so it's not a good idea to teach it to a Pokemon who has a higher special attack than attack.