Haunter is a Pokemon that relies on special attack, so this isn't a good idea. Payback is a physical attack, so it's not a good idea to teach it to a Pokemon who has a higher special attack than attack.
Haunter learns Payback at Level 28 in "Pokémon Platinum."
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
It depends on if you want superior stats (gastly) or a vast array of moves (haunter)when your Pokemon played many games and if your Pokemon is strong enough. .:Patik rah. .
Yes. Haunter evolves into Gengar when traded.
Haunter evolves when traded
Haunter learns Payback at Level 28 in "Pokémon Platinum."
Get a Haunter and teach it Scary Face. Give Haunter a Quick Claw and take him to Mersprit.
Technically, Gastly had Hypnosis at level 1 and by the time you catch it the move has been overwritten by moves Gastly learns at higher levels . So, you need to obtain a Heart Scale in the underground and take it to someone in Pastoria City, who will then be able to teach Haunter Hypnosis.
You use a fighting type pokemon. I suggest a manaky?
When considering, payback as in retribution, one should consider the consequences of said payback. One should also consider how the consequences of said payback will directly and indirectly effect all players. Never forget to figure into your calculations the possibility of a boomerang effect. Contemplate a plan "B" should payback not have the desired effects.
yes. because it is good and Pokemon is very intersting. .
Do you mean "Haunter"? Haunter should already know Hypnosis. If it doesn't, use a Heart Scale. This is not a wise comment, this is the answer.
Well, I wouldn't put it as "payback" but what you should do, is make better stronger friendships, and your friend will someday figure out what he/she did wrong later on.
The same way you earned the payback.
OF COURSE!! you'll need to trade an haunter to a friend, and haunter will evolve TO GENGAR
haunter has to be traded to evlove haunter evolve into gengar in level 42
Haunter is a ghost type Pokemon