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For Pokemon emerald via GameShark

Master code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5

Master ball code: 82005274 0001

The master ocde is very important. You will get master ball in any pokemart for free after you type the "Master code" and the "Master ball code".


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Q: What is the description and code of masterball in Pokemon Emerald?
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Is there a cheat code to get 999 master balls in Emerald?

I don't know. But you can clone any Pokemon you want by giving him a masterball.

Masterball code for Pokemon Emerald?

82005274 0001-buy master balls$0 U have 2 buy it @ the pokemart(its gonna be on the pokeball)!!!!

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for Pokemon there are no codes

Where do you get the masterball after beating the Pokemon league aka elite4 on sapphire?

you can not get master ball in Pokemon emerald exsept in lotto in the big shop and in the agua cave. PS you can use a code

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you cold probably just use a code to make a wild encounter latios, coupled with an infinite masterball code. those codes are: USE GOOGLE SMART ONE

Whenever you do the 493 masterball code you get 493 mastewrballs but the Pokemon never appeares?

493 masterball ar code

Can you get a empty masterball if a Pokemon is inside it in Pokemon emerald?

Once a Pokemon is inside a Pokeball, no matter what type of ball it is, the ball is permanently used. Say you migrate a Pokemon from Emerald into Diamond, the Master Ball will disappear and will be replaced with the special Pokeball used in the Pal Park. The only way I can think of you getting that Master Ball is using a Gameshark or Action Replay code, but that code has yet to be made.

How do you get the Masterball in Pokemon leafgreen?

you can use action replay code manager or you defeat Cyrus in team galactic warehouse and he will give you a masterball

How do you get more than 1 masterball?

Go to and use the AR code or trade som1's Pokemon that is holding the masterball

What is the infinite masterball code using game shark for Pokemon crystal?


Pokemon fire red masterball code for gameshark straight into your bag?

There is a masterball code somewhere, but I don't know how to find it. The last perosn who posted here was a f@g.

What is the Gameshark code for 99x master balls in Pokemon Emerald?

you have't to use a game share theres a manu that tells you it. you have't to use a game share theres a manu that tells you it.