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Well, there is 1 decoder message at the snow forts on the clock it says "by G".

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Q: What is the decoder message on club penguin?
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How do you decode messages in club penguin elite penguin force?

U go to ur spy gadget and click on the decoder. then while ur holding the decoder click on the coded message and it will be decoded.

Where is the decoder on Club Penguin?

To get the decoder you have to be a Secret Agent. If you are in the handbook there is the decoder which is very useful.

How do you get a decoder in club penguin?

You loose your virginity first.

How do you decode the letter in Club Penguin?

If you are a secret agent during a mission you have a 'Decoder'. If screenprint that (Function+Del on a PC) then paste it onto word you will have your own club penguin decoder.

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It's always a different answer. Get the note from the petshop and use your secret code decoder to decode the message. It will tell.

How do you unbanned your self from clubpenguin?

call club penguin or message it on support @club penguin .com

How do you unband your self from Club Penguin?

Send A Message To Club Penguin Then Say Hello,Club Penguin My Penguin Has Been Banned For A Misunderstanding Please Unbann Him/Her Bye!

How do you unlock the code on the little house in the pet shop on club penguin?

you go to your decoder and find out what it says

How do you help the penguin decode the message in club penguin elite penguin force?

your such a n00b

How do you decode things in club penguin?

If you mean for P.S.A. missions, the decoder pops up in the bottom-right corner of your screen.

How do you read the first epf message on club penguin?

you can't

When do you get your message from Club Penguin?

You can get a email from club penguin team when you active your membership,when your membership expire in two weeks or one week.