if you mean the monsters, they are : Furi - the monster that resembles a yeti. It has big feet and is very hairy Luvli - the flying love heart that resembles a cherry Poppet - (my fave) the cute monster with boots and whiskers. Its fingers cannot be seen Zommer - the one eyed zombie with the wrong body parts ( i.e the wrong type of arm) Katsuma - this monster is a mix of a rabbit and a cat. It has two large ears and stripes and has a ninja-type personality Diavlo - another flying monster that looks like a volcano. It also has a tail and small hands.
They are a mix of seeds that you put in your garden. If the mix is right then you will get a moshling.
spring/cheese/snail/sock and you get a mechanical dinosaur!
put any mix in then get the big bit of icing and make it pink then cover it in berries
27 different monsters
First you combine the ingredients
you can't mix a monster it's either a Katsuma,Luvli,Poppet,Furi,Zommer,and, Diavlo.
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. And if you gaze long enough into an abyss, the abyss will gaze back into you." ― Friedrich Nietzsche
rock spring frog cheese
The combination is sock, cheese, spring, then snail.
the answer is snail,frog,spring ,rock
sock rock chese snail
Do Spring, Cheese ,Snail, then sock
Get all of your monsters around Lvl. 25. Have one Healer, One Attacker, and a monster with Mix It Up tactic. Also make sure they are from Rank B, A, or S. .
You mix the Frog, the Sock, the Rock, and the Cheese