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At the moment there is no known code.

ZZZZ 1113 1ZZ1 is the code but you can't get any of the items, yet!

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Q: What is the code to open zazul's chest?
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What is zazuls chest code on his house?

no one has ever found it out but all i can tell you is that its 3 different codes that need to be all right and in right order.

What is zazuls code in aqw?

1337. And you can get his items. His helm and weapon. The weapons damage is high 300-500. But be careful if a mod sees you with it your banned.

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How do you open the chest on an iPad in minecraft?

Click the screen while your looking at the chest - it should open the chest. To get out just tap away (out of the chest)

How do you bandage an open chest wound?

If you are not sure if a chest wound has penetrated the chest wall completely, treat the wound as though it were an open chest wound.

Why wont Minecraft chest open?

Sometimes it is lag. But in this case, it seems like you have a block on top of your chest. If you put a block on your chest, the chest wont open.

How do you open a chest in terraria?

In Captain Crawfish's dream, there are two chests. The red key over the door opens the chest on the lower deck (has the Stopwatch). The green key above that chest opens the chest at the upper left (has the Turpentine).

Signs of a open chest wound?

Umm, well if it was an open chest wound..there would be an obvious HOLE/CUT in your chest. you would be able to see it.

What is the code for hovers on Free Realms?

Well if you think there is a code to get hovers on free realms, you are crazy. You get hovers from a mystery chest, get the key from the SC shop, buy, open, BOOM you (MIGHT) get hovers.

Hissing sounds from a chest wound indicates what?

An Open Chest Wound (Sucking Chest Wound)

How do you open the chest in

You open the chest when you become a full access member. Inside is a Lotta money. YAY

Where is the treasure on smeet?

The treasure on Smeet is at the beach (surf club) and first you collect the banana then give it to the monkey who will give you a shovel. Dig on the X and find a bottle then open the chest. You must put the right access code in the open it. Sorry I forgot the code!