You could look for the Pokemon modifier code (for the code to work, you need the national pokedex) then, type in rayquaza's pokedex number in the poketch's calculator, press L or R i think, and voilla, u've got yourself a rayquaza.
It is possible to use an Action Replay code to get a shiny Rayquaza that appears to have been caught at lvl 70. This Rayquaza would not be considered legit.
The reasons why your Rayquaza isn't migrating to Diamond could be the following reasons: 1. Your Diamond game card or your Ruby game pak could be fakes. 2. You haven't unlocked the migration feature in "Diamond" yet. or 3. Your Rayquaza knows a HM such as Fly or is holding mail.
How do you catch rayquaza in Pokemon black and white
Pokemon Emerald version: Master Code: D8BAE4D9 4864DCE5 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 Wild Pokemon Modifier with Rayquaza (It requires the Master Code listed above): B749822B CE9BFAC1 A86CDBA5 19BA49B3 Rayquaza in the wild: F5E36E5E CFCDF0F0
No sadly there is no way to catch Rayquaza in Pokemon pearl diamond or platinum except use action replay, migrate it of your gba (if you have it) or use the world trade center thingy in jublife (if you have internet)
Rayquaza is not in Diamond only in the pokedex. You would need to migrate it from a gameboy advanced game.
you cant find rayquaza on diamond or pearl its from Emreld
It is possible to use an Action Replay code to get a shiny Rayquaza that appears to have been caught at lvl 70. This Rayquaza would not be considered legit.
go to grand lake and use superrod
You cannot catch rayquaza in diamond
It is possible to use Action Replay to obtain any Pokémon in Pokémon Diamond Pearl and Platinum. For example, you could use a code to get a black Rayquaza.
You can't.
my action replay burnt up but I know were to get the code if the version is v1.60 go to Google video and tipe in action replay codes for Pokemon diamond the video will have a rayquaza on it
You can't find Rayquaza it in pokemon diamond, pearl, and platinum. You just migrate it in Pokemon Emerald, ruby and saphirer
You can only get Rayquaza in Pokemon Diamond by trading it from Ruby, Sapphire, and Emerald. The Rayquaza is a very powerful flying dragon type Pokemon.
The only way to get Raquaza in diamond is to get the national dex in diamond and then u migrate it from emerald
you can't