Sorry to say, but this code no longer works. you will need to trade some items in order to get gold ears. My character name is Neon_Aqua_Sky and you can contact me for help.
sometimes there is a problem in vmk and hosts have to close the game for a while vmk closed so it's not gonna work anymore now
The sites are;; download)
You can't, but it doesn't matter anymore since it closed.
VFK is awesome they have pirates ship battle out now!
there in bin weevils the website is and there is msn but for grown ups.
There are several types, including the original black ears, gold ears, dream ears which are periwinkle and silver, green ears that are worn by some staff members, blue, orange, and several others that were released towards the end of the site's existence.
A dream shirt is worth a lot. its not as rare as dream ears, but its rarer than black ears. its about worth gold ears, which is about like black ears, full cowboy, and a full princess outfit. my username on vmk is SuperCleverMagnet, but i might be on as safteyfirst. hope to see u in the game!
There is no code for that room.
Nope. VMK is not back.
I would suggest getting rare yourself because if someone answers it anyways and someone else gets there before you the code is going to be used and its just not fun cheating on vmk
I wish, but no. VMK was for a celebration.
Vmk, toontown, i suggest vmk
Vmk WAS for kids, it was safe, and fun. Disney did a wonderful job with the graphics and made it enjoyable to play. I preferred Vmk to the rest of Disney's websites Club penguin is also fun but not near as developed as vmk was.
VMK has been closed now, so I'm pretty sure there is no need for Hula's Answers. Sorry that VMK closed!
well u can trade for inferno, which is very cheap right now, or you can actually become a member at and earn enough points to get a code for it . i know this because i am a VMK player :P Im BridgetteByte :D
sometimes there is a problem in vmk and hosts have to close the game for a while vmk closed so it's not gonna work anymore now