There is no code just pull the thing on the right side that blocks the safe and you will open it.
When you are at the furnace on the train at the very front of the train, you click on the furnace. Once you click on the furnace, it will pop up a window asking for a code. Ignore the code as there is no code to open it up. Instead, remove the pin in the door hinge.
First find J6 Map and Dwakel decoder and next open map try to find saloon and go to j6 at saloon answer his questions and he will give you code that you need to find the hyperium on your j6 secret hideout map and in hyperium get pass secruity robots then get his card and go to missions and first mission zephyrus!
Just pull the screw on the side of it.
No such code exists, and never will.
You can pickpocketing from the engineer in train level 6
The Code is oicu812
somewhere on the aqw home page lolz
The code is dragonkhan8234280
Euchromius zephyrus was created in 1962.