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Q: What is the code for shiny geodude in Pokemon tower defence?
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How do you get the geodude on Pokemon Tower Defence?

You could just go to challenges and win to get a shiny geodude!

What is the Pokemon tower defence mystery gift code?

5234- Shiny Pidgey 5231- Shiny Geodude 673034- Shiny Jigglypuff

How do you get a rock type in Pokemon tower defence?

you either catch one by getting its health bar red or by getting a shiny geodude by beating the first challenge level

What is the code for shiny Pokemon in Pokemon tower defence?


What level does geodude evolve at in Pokemon Tower Defence?

Geodude evolves at level 25 into Graveler in the battle arena.

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What is the code for shiny Pokemon in Pokemon tower defense?

there are two that I know of 1: 5231 with a space at the end will get you a shiny geodude 2: 5234 will get you a shiny pidgey 3: 673034 will get you a Shiny Jigglypuff

What Pokemon do you need for the third challenge in Pokemon tower defence?

you will need a Pokemon that knows whirlwind to trap the geodude in a loop then destroy everything else on the other side

Where is a shiny Rattata on Pokemon tower defence?

Just keep going to the lab and find one.

In pokemon tower defence how do you get a shiny pokemon?

you have to beat the first challenge on challenge mode or you have a 1.8 percent of getting it in the wild

Can you get a shiny squrtle on Pokemon tower defence?

yes you can. Athough you need to buy the code from the Sam and Dan website

Where to find shiny Pokemon in Pokemon tower defence?

Dratini can be found at the game corner or at the safari zone.