for Pokemon diamond/pearl is:
9206B31E 00001808
0206B320 FB3EF7FB
94000130 FFF30000
0206B320 46C046C0
D2000000 00000000
Pokemon modifyer code
the shiny Pokemon code for AR 1b3jt59xr438
Yes you can transfer your Pokémon from "Pokémon Platinum" over to "Battle Revolution."Actually, it isn't transferring it's copying
There is no such code for pokemon platinum
Yes. This code is for the Gameboy (Color) GameShark: 010156D0 After putting in this code for Pokemon Yellow, you can catch trainer's Pokemon.
At the moment, no. However, there are several Pokemon Copying codes, as well as Wild Pokemon Modifier codes.
by copying it from Pokemon diamond,pearl,or platinum.
Yes, copying code without proper attribution or permission is considered plagiarism in the field of computer programming.
Go to YouTube and type in "Marrilands Team AR Code". I would recommend copying and pasting the code because it is a long one. PS:put 6 Pokemon you want to get rid of in your party, the after activating the code,press L&R together.
Copying the code refers to replicating and duplicating the information in a programming language. In the context of DNA, copying the code refers to the process of DNA replication, where the information encoded in the DNA molecule is duplicated during cell division to pass on genetic information to the next generation. Both processes involve reproducing information accurately and efficiently.
You cannot Unlock Darkrai on this game only copying Pokemon will work.
go to the cave to the legend Pokemon and beat it.then go through it find Cyrus then after save and turn off.turn on and a black dot with the ar code will go from place to place.find it five times in a row.aslo,the three legend phyicsy Pokemon will all be yours.beat girantia and all legand Pokemon will be yours.then go out of the cave and you'll find at least 300 rare candy
no, but you can replace them with their changed version by copying again!
You can't transfer Pokemon that are intended for Nintendo DS onto a Wii game.
Transcription is the process of copying the code from DNA to mRNA.
You are copying programming code from one application to another.
there is no such code.