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Q: What is the classified item in BTD3?
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What is the cost of the classified in btd3?

2700 Bloons Its pricey but Good :)

What is the common kitchen item is classified as being a acid?

Vinegar is a common kitchen item that is classified as an acid.

In classified ads what does WHY stand for?

WHY, when used in a classified advert, stands for 'What Have You'. It shows that the seller is not only interested in money for the item and will consider swapping for another item (normally of the same worth).

Can a felon own an antique firearm?

If the item in question is classified as a firearm, no. SOME but not all antiques are classified as firearms, but some are not.

In certain instances mere possession of an item can be classified as a crime?


What does a food item need to be classified as low fat?

it depends on the ingredients

What is the meaning of unclaimed?

Unclaimed means an item isn't claimed by the original owner or caretaker of an item. Any item that isn't shown ownership would be classified as unclaimed.

What are the cheats for btd3?

First wat u do is a space that you can put sumfin down right click there then click on the road

BTD3 cheat on how to get weapons on the track?

Select your unit put him on a spot you can set him then right click and left click on the track.

What is the cheat for btd3 for cash?

yes there is a cheat... but i know that the only way is with a cheat engine... whitch really sucks.... bye..... .... .... .... .... ... .... .... . . . . . . . . . . .

What is a pencil sharpener classified as?

A pencil sharpener is classified as a stationary item used for sharpening the tip of a pencil to keep it pointed for writing or drawing. It falls under the category of office supplies or stationery.

Are there cheats in btd3?

there is no cheats exept for right clicking any where you can put something and click anywhere on the road and to put an ice ball on a corner and set it to last.