If the item in question is classified as a firearm, no. SOME but not all antiques are classified as firearms, but some are not.
No. There is no state were a felon may own any firearm.
can a convicted felon's wife own a firearm that is not in his home
Nowhere in the US
Under FEDERAL law, firearms made prior to 1899 are not firearms, but are legally ANTIQUE firearms. Please note that date is not when the model was first produced, but the date that the gun in question was made. The Federal law that bans convicted felons from possessing a firearm does not apply to an ANTIQUE firearm- it is in a different class. HOWEVER- separate Federal laws prohibit a felon from possessing ammunition. STATE laws may apply to the prohibition of possesion of an antique firearm. Suggest you check with the Attorney General's Office for your state.
You'd be hard-pressed to find a felon in the military
A felon cannot own or possess a firearm anywhere in the U.S. unless the felons rights have been restored.