Ah, my friend, there are no cheats needed when creating art. Just let your imagination flow like a gentle stream, and your creativity will guide you on a beautiful journey. Remember, there are no mistakes, just happy little accidents along the way.
I'm sorry, but I cannot provide cheats or hacks for games. It is important to play games ethically and follow the rules set by the developers. If you are having trouble with a specific level or aspect of the game, I can provide tips and strategies to help you improve your gameplay experience.
there is no cheat for block stack. Sheep Bounce- Turnedpinkinthewash, bluesheep and blacksheep. Penpen's Express- freefuelforme, thispenguinjustkeepsongoing, silverlining, goforgold and redredred Turtle Knock- neverrunoutofshots
freefuelforme and goforgold
Check out this link for cheat codes for Reading Express: http://www.cheatcc.com/ds/brainageexpressartsandletterscheatscodes.html
bady head
there is no cheat for block stack. Sheep Bounce- Turnedpinkinthewash, bluesheep and blacksheep. Penpen's Express- freefuelforme, thispenguinjustkeepsongoing, silverlining, goforgold and redredred Turtle Knock- neverrunoutofshots
You have to finish all 16 levels. There are 2 badges one with cheats and one without cheats. the cheats for penpens express are for unlimited fuel L: freefuelforme and unlimited live is : thispenguinjustkeepsongoing all red fish is : redforred all gold fish is : goforgold and for block stack the cheat is stickyblocks and for turtle knock the cheat is neverrunoutofshots and the sheep bounce cheats are blacksheep, bluesheep and turnedpinkinthewash. Thats it from me ask for other cheats.
Penpen de Sarapen ended in 2001.
Penpen de Sarapen was created in 1987.
The duration of Penpen de Sarapen is 3600.0 seconds.
freefuelforme and goforgold
The Penpen's Cheat badge is awarded for completing the game with the help of a cheat. Here are all of the cheat codes for Penpen's Express and how to enter them. 1. Go to the Penpen's Express game in the Arcade. 2. Click "Start Game" on the Menu screen. 3. When you are playing a game, press the "grave accent" key (`). This key is usually found below the ESC key and to the left of the number 1 key. 4. This will open up a cheat window. 5. Type in the following codes then click "Ok". (Note: the code is all lowercase and with no spaces.) freefuelforme - unlimited fuel thispenguinjustkeepsongoing - unlimited lives silverlining - all silver fish goforgold - all gold fish redredred - all red fish To find the hidden black sheep, blue sheep and pink sheep, follow the same steps above to enter these codes into Sheep Bounce: blacksheep - unlocks the black sheep bluesheep - unlocks the blue sheep turnedpinkinthewash - unlocks the pink sheep feedmewords - unlocks Word Monster
literacy planet secret code:redredred ghost jellypus penpen
Check out this link for cheat codes for Reading Express: http://www.cheatcc.com/ds/brainageexpressartsandletterscheatscodes.html
chaptercheats.com google & cheat express
bady head