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The best xp for runecrafting is defiantly zmi (Zamorakian Mage Institute). To use the ZMI altar you will need 50 rc which shouldn't take too long to get. The ZMI is located is North of the observatory. If you are on lunar spell book and have 71 magic then you can tele to Ourania or tele to Castle Wars and run there. Before you use the altar it is recommended that you take a shield (any will do) and a mystic mud staff if you are choosing to tele. You will also need 20 of any type of rune to access the bank at ZMI every time you use the bank. This alter IS the best runecrafting xp but not the best for gp as you will only profit once level 85. At around level 50-70 you will only get around 20k xp and it will gradually increase as you lvl. At lvl 90+ its possible to get around 50k xp per hour.

TIP- using mouse keys will increase the xp you get per hour.

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Q: What is the best xp for runecrafting?
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Nope, f2p can get certain runecrafting staves too. You just need to get a tailsman staff, a air tailsman and most importantly, at least 50 Runecrafting to get the air runecrafting staff.

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The Runecrafting Guild is part of the Wizards Tower base in Draynor Village, you will need level 50 Runecrafting to access the portal on the 2nd Floor.

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Deaths runes Law runes nature runes all make you decent profit but i recomend nature runes as they are a good souce of money and xp, 1-99 runecrafting takes about 4months if u no life it or it can take 1 year if u play for about 1 hour a day lol hope this helped :)

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Runecrafting the runes is your best bet, or buying the runes from GE, players or Ned in Varrock.

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At the Fist of Guthix. The runecrafting gloves cost 75 fist of guthix tokens each. You can buy Air, water, or earth runecrafting gloves there. Each set of gloves have 100 charges.

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degradable robes and armour: Combat hood, Combat robe top, Combat robe bottom, Any elemental staff, Runecrafter gloves, Amulet of Magic, Explorer's ring, Anti-dragon shield NON degradable robes: Runecrafting armour gives slightly less attack bonus than combat robes but thry dont degrade so u dant have to waste time getting tokens to recharge them (i recommend runecrafting armour. P.S. u need 50 runecrafting to get the runecrafting robes. : armour same as above but instead of combat robes wear: runecrafting robes