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You can buy it from the Grand Exchange, or make it by using sand and soda ash on a surface. Fritz the glassblower, on Entrana Island, has to teach you how to do it first.

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Q: What is the best way to get molten glass in runescape?
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How doe you make glass like is it made from ice or rocks or what?

The basic recipe for glass is silicate (sand) melted with a bit of bicarbonate of soda. The molten mass created is molten glass, which is then processed in whatever way is necessary to make the final glass product.

On RuneScape what does seaweed do?

seaweed is used to produce molten glass. First, you must burn the sea weed via a fire or a stove, producing soda ash. Soda ash + a bucket of sand = molten glass. This molten glass can be shaped into many different objects by using a glassblowing pipe. Molten glass making is actually a very good way to make money, because people level their crafting fast by buying molten glass without going through the motions to make it, thus making it in high demand. Catherby general store gives 80 seaweed per day at 2 gp each everyday if you talk to the owner of it located at the docks. The hand in the sand quest allows Bert to give you 150 free buckets of sand everyday. This can give you about 25k of income just selling the seaweed and sand, but xp can be gained and reasonable profit as well if you take the time to make the molten glass. Molten glass is also used in the Construction skill.

What is the best way to fish on RuneScape?

The best way to fish on runescape is to use a net or a fishing rod and bait in draynor. Then it is easy to bank your fish

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There is no bestest Runescape building, they are all good in one way or another.

What is the best way to get rune amour on runescape?

The best way is probably to buy it from the Grand Exchange.

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The easiest way is with a mystical lamp.

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Fighting. Actually it's the only way.

What is the best way to kill Metal dragons on Runescape?

look at link

How do you get 24M in RuneScape?

The best way to get 24M is to craft nature runes.

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to go to the abyss and make it

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Red chins, imo, or grenwalls.