Golbat evolves when it is happy enough with the trainer.
Using it in a lot of battles 'gains its trust in the trainer and makes it feel loved'
Using items on it seem to make it like you better. Potions as they make the golbat feel like the trainer wants it to be active more (My personal opinion)
I think items like Protein and Iron etc will help up its happiness level with you.
If you keep using heal, stat upgrade and battling with it. You can get it to evolve by lv30-35 if you are playing the game normally.
To get a Golbat to evolve into a Crobat you need to increase its friendship. The best way is to level it up. It depends on how long you have had the Golbat and if you had caught it as a Zubat or not. For example if you had a level 8 Zubat evolved it into a Golbat at level 22 and leveled it up to level 44 there would be a high chance for it to evolve but this is only an example , it varies. Another way is to use rare candies , poffins , and pokeblocks. Do not use potions , bitter herbs , and to let your Golbat faint in battle because it will come to dislike you. The main point is to increase happiness so don't let it die.
there is no possible way to make him evolve with out trading. you have to trade to make kadabra, haunter, and many others to evolve
abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue
Yes, but to evolve it, you need to make it very happy then level it up. You could let it hold a Soothe Bell. Another way is to feed it lots of those, "Calcium, Iron, Protein" etc. I'm not sure if this one works, but you could try feeding it pokeblocks that your golbat likes. To find out what pokeblock your golbat likes, go to Mosdeep City and go inside a house north of the Pokemon Center. There should be a guy who looks like one of those Karate people, and have you golbat lead in party. Talk to him and he'll tell you what pokeblock it likes (depends on nature). To find out how much your golbat likes you, go to Verdanturf and go down to the house. Go to the very end and there should be a lady with a Pikachu. Have Golbat in the lead. If she says something like, 'Oh. Your Pokemon. It adores you. It can't possibly love you any more. Even I feel happy seeing it." If she says that, go level it up. If she doesnt, well keep going
it will evolve into crobat when its happiness is all the way up
To get a Golbat to evolve into a Crobat you need to increase its friendship. The best way is to level it up. It depends on how long you have had the Golbat and if you had caught it as a Zubat or not. For example if you had a level 8 Zubat evolved it into a Golbat at level 22 and leveled it up to level 44 there would be a high chance for it to evolve but this is only an example , it varies. Another way is to use rare candies , poffins , and pokeblocks. Do not use potions , bitter herbs , and to let your Golbat faint in battle because it will come to dislike you. The main point is to increase happiness so don't let it die.
There is no item to evolve golbat. You can evolve it only through happiness. The most easiest way is to - 1.Capture a Zubat and evolve it first or directly catch a golbat . 2.Then as soon as you have it, give 10 of each - Protiens, Carbos, Calcium, Zinc and Iron. 3.Then level it up normally or using a rare candy. It will surely evolve. No doubt. I bet ! I'll give you 1000000$ if it doesn't !
The only way to get a crobat is if you train a golbat until it is friendly with you then it will evolve you need the national dex to get though.
there is no possible way to make him evolve with out trading. you have to trade to make kadabra, haunter, and many others to evolve
so i was evolving a zubat that i caught in defword city at level 8 and i use experience share to evolve it experience share allows u to give some exp to the Pokemon holding it my zubat evolve into golbat at level 22 and evolve into crobat in level 31 because i give hime alot of protein zinc carbos and pokeblocks the i went to mauville city to check me pokemons happiness (and by the way golbat evolves into crobat by happiness) the she said that it loves you and he can love you anymore or something like that at level 30 when it was level 31 it evolve i am happy to share my information with you
Catch,Evolve,Trade ( some only evolve that way and some only come from other games) No worries :)
abra evolves into kadabra at level 16 on pokemon emerald best way give abra the exp share and use ur strongest pokemon and go 2 the victory road or pokemon legue
The only way to get macgargo is to train a slugma to Lv 38 and it will evolve into a macgargo
Yes, but to evolve it, you need to make it very happy then level it up. You could let it hold a Soothe Bell. Another way is to feed it lots of those, "Calcium, Iron, Protein" etc. I'm not sure if this one works, but you could try feeding it pokeblocks that your golbat likes. To find out what pokeblock your golbat likes, go to Mosdeep City and go inside a house north of the Pokemon Center. There should be a guy who looks like one of those Karate people, and have you golbat lead in party. Talk to him and he'll tell you what pokeblock it likes (depends on nature). To find out how much your golbat likes you, go to Verdanturf and go down to the house. Go to the very end and there should be a lady with a Pikachu. Have Golbat in the lead. If she says something like, 'Oh. Your Pokemon. It adores you. It can't possibly love you any more. Even I feel happy seeing it." If she says that, go level it up. If she doesnt, well keep going