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Yes, but to evolve it, you need to make it very happy then level it up. You could let it hold a Soothe Bell. Another way is to feed it lots of those, "Calcium, Iron, Protein" etc. I'm not sure if this one works, but you could try feeding it pokeblocks that your golbat likes. To find out what pokeblock your golbat likes, go to Mosdeep City and go inside a house north of the Pokemon Center. There should be a guy who looks like one of those Karate people, and have you golbat lead in party. Talk to him and he'll tell you what pokeblock it likes (depends on nature). To find out how much your golbat likes you, go to Verdanturf and go down to the house. Go to the very end and there should be a lady with a Pikachu. Have Golbat in the lead. If she says something like, 'Oh. Your Pokemon. It adores you. It can't possibly love you any more. Even I feel happy seeing it." If she says that, go level it up. If she doesnt, well keep going

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Q: Can golbat evolve to Crobat in Pokemon emerald?
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In Pokemon Emerald does Golbat evolve?

Golbat evolves into Crobat in Pokemon Emerald by full happiness.

How you get Crobat in Pokemon emerald?

get a golbat and make it like you alot it will evolve

Can you use a berry to evolve golbat into Crobat in Pokemon emerald?

you cant,sorry

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How do you get crobat in Pokemon SoulSilver?

You have to evolve Crobat from Golbat since Crobat isn't in the wild.This is DEITY LINK not the other guy you evolve golbat into crobat by trading with Anyone it doesn't matter who or what they give you or what level it is its like gengar

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Golbat evolves into Crobat when leveled up with enough friendship.

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you need to have max frendship with golbat, but i think you need to trade to ruby/sapphire/emerald, then have it love you, then trade it back

When does golbat evolve into a Crobat in pokemon pearl?

with high friendship

Who does golbat evolve into?

Golbat evolve into crobat with happiness

How do evolve golbat to Crobat in Pokemon sapphire?

if it likes ya enough it'll evolve

What Pokemon evolve when they are happy?

Golbat---> Crobat Evee---> Umbreon or Espeon

When does zubat evolve in emerald?

zubat evolves at level 22 into golbat. if you want a crobat, make it happy.