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Golbat evolves into Crobat when leveled up with enough friendship.

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Q: How do you evolve Golbat into Crobat in Pokemon Heart Gold?
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What level does golbat evolve in Pokemon Heart Gold?

golbat can evolve at any level if its friendship is up to max can evolve if you give it a berry that gets the Pokemon friendlier then get it one level higher and ... evolution

How do you evolve a golbat in Pokemon pearl for DS?

To evolve a Golbat into a Crobat you must be good friends with. A few ways to do this is to travel with it, use it frequently in battles, give it poffins, give it a berry that raises a pokemon's happiness, and give it a Soothe Bell. You can check to see how it likes you by using the Friendship Checker App that can be obtained by talking to a girl in Eterna City that is in the Pokemon Center. Thank you for reading this. I hope it helped! wrong u give golbat a x speed and level him up to l.v 36 you can get a x speed in the department store and the same works on heart gold soul silver

How do you teach mean look to golbat on Pokemon sapphire?

to teach mean look to a golbat, get a heart scale and take it to the move tutor and he will teach golbat any move it already learned.

How do you evolve a Pokemon on happiness?

u have to use zinc,calcium and the rest on a Pokemon u whant to evolve after that lvl. him up. make the Pokemon hold the SOOTHE BELL(to get it check and then depending on how many heart of your Pokemon has when you hold it on the profetch). It takes 25 mins from no heart to one heart if you ride a bicycle as fast as you could back and forth, another 25mins from one heart to two. And two heart to two beating heart takes about 36 mins.When it has two beating hearts, the next time it levels up, it will evolve. At least that's how I get my crobat and Blissey. Good luck!

What level does farfetch d evolve on Pokemon heart gold?

Farfetch'd does not evolve in Pokemon HeartGold. Sorry! :)

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How do you evolve golbat in heart gold?

You have to keep on training it to make it envolve to crobat. But don't fight with it with someone who has pysic pokemon. It is stong on crobat.

What level does golbat evolve in Pokemon Heart Gold?

golbat can evolve at any level if its friendship is up to max can evolve if you give it a berry that gets the Pokemon friendlier then get it one level higher and ... evolution

How do you evolve a golbat in Pokemon pearl for DS?

To evolve a Golbat into a Crobat you must be good friends with. A few ways to do this is to travel with it, use it frequently in battles, give it poffins, give it a berry that raises a pokemon's happiness, and give it a Soothe Bell. You can check to see how it likes you by using the Friendship Checker App that can be obtained by talking to a girl in Eterna City that is in the Pokemon Center. Thank you for reading this. I hope it helped! wrong u give golbat a x speed and level him up to l.v 36 you can get a x speed in the department store and the same works on heart gold soul silver

On Pokemon Heart Gold what Pokemon does the team rocket leader have?

i forgot the exact specific Pokemon but i think they are mostly poison, dark or flying. so try to get electric or fighting type Pokemon for the advantage. he has a raticate a houndour a golbat a magmite and a crobat or somthing like that

How do you teach mean look to golbat on Pokemon sapphire?

to teach mean look to a golbat, get a heart scale and take it to the move tutor and he will teach golbat any move it already learned.

What Pokemon knows mean look?

one is golbat if you catch one and it does not know mean look go to pastoria city and go where ever there is a fat dude by the house,go in there and there is a dude go and talk to him he will teach your Pokemon a move ONLY if you have a a heart scale.HOW to get a heart scale you ask?well if you have a explorers kit use it then dig intell you find a heart scale.

What level does golbat learn cross poison?

it's simple, use a heart scale on a crobat higher than lvl 10. easy!

How do you evolve a Pokemon on happiness?

u have to use zinc,calcium and the rest on a Pokemon u whant to evolve after that lvl. him up. make the Pokemon hold the SOOTHE BELL(to get it check and then depending on how many heart of your Pokemon has when you hold it on the profetch). It takes 25 mins from no heart to one heart if you ride a bicycle as fast as you could back and forth, another 25mins from one heart to two. And two heart to two beating heart takes about 36 mins.When it has two beating hearts, the next time it levels up, it will evolve. At least that's how I get my crobat and Blissey. Good luck!

Where is the best place to evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon HeartGold?

The best place to evolve a Pokemon in Pokemon Heart Gold is at Mt. Silver.

What level does farfetch'd evolve at on heart gold?

Farfetch'd is a Pokemon that does not evolve.

What level does farfetch d evolve on Pokemon heart gold?

Farfetch'd does not evolve in Pokemon HeartGold. Sorry! :)

What pokemon's can you evolve with a heart scale?

Heart Scale does not evolve any Pokemon. You trade it to a maniac who will make Pokemon remember moves. In black and white, the maniac is in Mistralton city.