Gligar is a flying and ground type of Pokemon. The only way to get this Pokemon in LeafGreen version is to trade for it.
the best way for me to power level low level Pokemon is to give it an exp. share and go to the elite for with some kickass Pokemon, works best with Pokemon thet are really low level
You should swap your party Pokemon with a friend and get them to level them up so it gets double the exp point. Also you could give it an exp share and take it to the Pokemon league, if it is too weak to fight then it doesnt have too but it still gets alot of EXP the average Pokemon will grow to level 32 if you take it through the Pokemon league with an EXP Share (I take it through with a level 100 Rayquaza so this may vary for other Pokemon).
The only way to get Snubbull on Pokemon LeafGreen is by trading for one from Pokemon Emerald. Snubbull can be found in the Safari Zone extension of Pokemon Emerald which is unlocked by earning the National Pokedex.
Mamoswine doesn't evolve either way because it doesn't exist in Pokemon LeafGreen. It evolves from Piloswine who evolves from Swinub, but Piloswine can't evolve into Mamoswine in LeafGreen.
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You can't. In no way is it possible to get Totodile in LeafGreen.
The best way to level up your pokemon is to defeat pokemon owned by other trainers and that are either around the level of your pokemon or higher, along with that if the pokemon your training has been traded to you it will recieve boosted exp points you can also have this effect with a pokemon you own is holding the item lucky egg if this is held you will recieve boosted exp points just like a traded pokemon and if a traded pokemon holds the item it will recieve an extra boost!
The best way to trade i guess wuld be to 'MIGRATE' from LeafGreen, in Pal Park to do this you need to beat the elite four and get the national pokedex
let the Pokemon hold the exp. share and train it at route 229 with your best Pokemon
the best way to train your Pokemon is to use a cheat code for super exp gain.if you don't have a action replay you can find them at walmart. the cheat is already in the AR.
It is not possible to catch a Sunkern in Pokemon LeafGreen version. The only way to get one is to trade for it.
The fastest way I know is Exp. share. A really easy way is to put your highest level Pokemon in front and give the Exp. share to a weak Pokemon (Level 1-25). Go to Victory Road (fly to Indigo Plateau) and defeat as many Pokemon as possible. Another way for higher-leveled Pokemon is to defeat as many people as possible using the Vs. seeker. You put it in front and find an area with Pokemon around the same level (or weaker). That should work.
use the exp share
The only way to get it is from Pokemon emerald or Pokemon colosseum.