Put it to sleep with a move like hypnosis or sleep powder, and it won't be able to teleport away until it wakes up again. Then get its health down and use your best Poké ball to capture it.
level 16
Only the electric types. Like Abra and the ters its good for
around bills house in the grass; anywhere above nugget bridge
You can only catch them in Pokemon fire red.
level 16
Abra is the only one friend
you through a pokeball at it and hope for the best
Only the electric types. Like Abra and the ters its good for
catch a Abra the train it to lvl36 (should evolve at lvl 16) it does not evolve at lvl 36. at lvl 36 trade with a friend give him the kadabra. then trade it back.
the easier way is to catch an Abra in the solar cave make sure you have on of the HM's from that dungeon the best is on floor 20 but you need someone who can cross water as it is surrounded by water if you have that HM there will be a link cable grab it. when you leave Abra should be able to evolve then when Abra is a kadabra go back to where you evolved Abra use the link cable you got in the solar cave and hey presto you are the proud owner of an alakazam.
at LV 22
around bills house in the grass; anywhere above nugget bridge
A Weedle.
You can only catch them in Pokemon fire red.