Because when kids first play video games, they are most likely to enjoy it, and get really into a game, once they have completed a game, they will want to buy a new game as they will now be bored of the last game, at this point they are addicted, video games can be considered one of the most addictive "drugs" i know this as i am 14 and have been playing video games for years now. I am not proud that i choose video games to bored games, but i am addicted, and when i am bored the only thing i can think of doing is video games. So theres your answer.
Nobody can not get addicted to video games. If you like a game so much you going to play it again. If you do not like the game and get bored of it you will not play it again.There is no one who cannot become addicted to a game.
There isn't a best video game player ever.
Unawnserable, It may be the best video game in Johns eyes but in Jims eyes it could suck.
the best selling video game is wii sports it has sold the same as the wi because it is bundled with it the best selling video game cconsole that is not bundled is wii play it has sold 24 million copies
Bored of the Rings - video game - was created in 1985.
Bored of the Rings - video game - happened in 1985.
There is no best game. You will get bored of any game after some time. So, no, it's not.
Because when kids first play video games, they are most likely to enjoy it, and get really into a game, once they have completed a game, they will want to buy a new game as they will now be bored of the last game, at this point they are addicted, video games can be considered one of the most addictive "drugs" i know this as i am 14 and have been playing video games for years now. I am not proud that i choose video games to bored games, but i am addicted, and when i am bored the only thing i can think of doing is video games. So theres your answer.
Would a person playing a video game or reading books get bored first? Well, if the book is boring like a dictionary, or a book by Lemony Snicket, then the reader will get bored. But if the person playing a video game is getting frustrated then (s)he might stop playing sooner. Especially if the video game player gets one of those walkthrough books to beat the game and (s)he starts reading it. Something like that. So, I hope I helped a little.
FIFA 2008 is the best video game in the world
PACMAN was the best early video game if you look at it from a historical perspective.
So that people like you aren't bored asking dumb questions.
The most realistic driving video game on the Xbox 360 game is Shift. This game will have you thinking your on the road, many roads to take and you won't get bored.
What is considered best is completely subjective. To regard something is the best is an opinion. The answer to this question is, "What do you think is the best video game?"
Many video games have an online play option, try playing against other people. You could also take a break from the game.