well i recommend you have the following types:fire grass water electric flying and psychic so my team was feraligatr 79
fearow lv.80
girafarig lv.89
electrode lv.83
victreebel 85
and magmar lv.83
lemme kno whatcha think
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You could try:
-Blizzard / Ice Punch
-Fire Blast
-Ice Punch
-Fire Punch
-Sleep Powder
-Razor Leaf / Giga Drain
-Sludge Bomb
-Steel Wing
-Quick Attack / Return
-Wing Attack / Aerial Ace
Raichu - leftovers
-focus punch
strategy is with high speed as raichu has use encore on a slower Pokemon after they use a stat boosting move , then feel free to subsitute and focus punch
youw ill have trouble against celebi and any heavy ground Pokemon but besides that raichu over jolteon
Hope this is helpful :)
Solar Beam
Sunny Day/ Body Slam
Petal Dance
Magical Leaf
Thunder Punch
Charge Beam
Thunderbolt/ Thunder
Double Edge/ Heavy Slam (If playing in Black or white)
Stone Edge
Flamethrower (by Tm)
Aerial Ace/ Air Slash
Steel Wing
Brave Bird
Fire Blast
Flare Blitz
Sunny Day
Hydro Pump
Ice Beam/ Blizzard
assuming we're not going with any legendaries i would reccomend 6 alakazams with psychic, thunder punch, fire punch, ice punch. there is no team that can win against that much special attack, varied moveset, and speed. the only other suggestions i would make is to find a tank like scizor with the set agility, double team, protect, baton pass.
Three legendary dogs, Ho-oh Lugia and a dragon type pokemon.
The best team is one that has many types. Spiritomb and a dragon type Pokemon are almost certainly needed, as well as a strong water Pokemon like Milotic. The rest is up to your discretion. Without legendaries, there really are no ultimate Pokemon.
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
my team
To get the HM whirpool in Pokemon gold, you have to help Lance shut down Team Rocket's generators in Mahogany Town.
Three legendary dogs, Ho-oh Lugia and a dragon type pokemon.
lugia, latios, and umbreon
The best team is one that has many types. Spiritomb and a dragon type Pokemon are almost certainly needed, as well as a strong water Pokemon like Milotic. The rest is up to your discretion. Without legendaries, there really are no ultimate Pokemon.
There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly
The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos
my team
I would have to say a really good team would be: Typhlosion Dragonite Lapras Alakazam Umbreon Gyrados It may have weakness' but if you teach the pokemon the right moves than you can be unstoppable.
i saw gaypeopletheesedays battle team girantina dialga rayquza lv61 and a gold mewtwo a palkia a dialga and tisn12 rayquza 100 gyrados100 gaylord 247 cyberADS chipkidstar you have the best Pokemon team in the world better than all those usernames anyway
At nuget brig
Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard
exeggutor is good have it know two phychic and two grass moves
To get the HM whirpool in Pokemon gold, you have to help Lance shut down Team Rocket's generators in Mahogany Town.