

Best Answer

Cyndaquil mainly focuses on attack

Chikorita mainly focuses on defense

Totodile is a balanced pokemon.

Its your choice if you want attack, defense, or both

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Q: What is the best starter in Pokemon Gold?
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What is the best Pokemon to choose as a starter in Pokemon Gold?

I think its totodile by far.

What is the best starter Pokemon for Pokemon gold?

i suggest getting a totodile or cyndaquil

What is the best starter Pokemon on Pokemon gold?

cindaquil because it evolves at an early level. =)

Can you get Sinnoh starter Pokemon after the Hoenn starter Pokemon in heart gold?

no u can't

What do you do after you get the third Pokemon starter in Pokemon heart gold?

Train it.

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In what game is totodile a starter Pokemon?

Pokemon crystal,Pokemon gold, & Pokemon silver..VERONICA

Should I start over in pokemon heart gold and what's the best starter and pokemon to catch and train throughout the game I think nidokings early form?

yes the best Pokemon is the fire type

What advance games can you get Chickorita Cyndaquil Totodile as a starter Pokemon?

Those Pokemon are starter Pokemon in silver and gold, but those are color games.

How can you get a starter Pokemon in Pokemon gold from an older game?

that doesnt make sense

Which Pokemon game has cyndaquil as starter Pokemon?

Gold silver and crystal but you can also get on emerald if you complete the hoenn dex. Also you can choose it as a starter in Soul Silver and Heart Gold

Which is the best Pokemon for blue resuce?

All of the starter Pokemon are the best