Prolly cherry... strawberry is also a good one... hope this helpsss XD
bubble gum
black puffle: flare red puffle: blast pink puffle: loop blue puffle: bouncer green puffle: flit purple puffle: pop yellow puffle: chirp white puffle: chill
A pink puffle plays either with a trampoline, or with a skipping rope.
bubble gum
black puffle: flare red puffle: blast pink puffle: loop blue puffle: bouncer green puffle: flit purple puffle: pop yellow puffle: chirp white puffle: chill
This is all the puffles, in the order of how you get them. The Blue puffle is Bouncer. The Red puffle is Blast. The Black puffle is Flare. The Pink puffle is Loop. The Purple puffle is Pop. The Green puffle is Flit. The Yellow puffle is Chirp. The White puffle is Chill. And the rumor name for the Orange puffle is Boxer.
You have to be a member to get the pink puffle and the pinks puffles are at the Puffle shop in the plaza.
It's called a pink puffle
There will be a hot pink puffle on CP this year, 2011.
A pink puffle plays either with a trampoline, or with a skipping rope.
The only way is to buy a pink puffle toy that has the pink puffle code on it. But if you have the money to buy the toy, you may as well just buy the membership.
No, there is not a magenta puffle. Although, there is a purple puffle and a pink puffle for sale. :) I hope this helped.
The pink puffle on Club Penguin is at the Cove on the bottom left.
Jumps a rope / does the trampoline its favirote game is aqua grabber