Rash or serious.
Im thinking modest
There is no such thing as the Shadow Luiga. To catch the Shiny Lugia though, you need to find the code.
If you know how to use it, and if its your opinion yes, Or no.
The best way to catch the Lugia is through the Caves. You must have a silver feather before entering. Navigate the path until reaching the waterfall where the Lugia is located then engage in a fight using your best level 40 or higher Pokemon.
i would suggest dusk and ultra balls but if you want to capture it without lowering its hp get a friends lugia and use repeat balls
its lugia
The best phsychic pokemon!!
If this is attack your talking about, then no Deoxys in attack form is the strongest.
I'd say aeroblast.
Typhlosion and Lugia
Lugia or ho-oh
I personally believe its Lugia.