Most physical attacks well go good for hariyama here are some good ones: Belly drum, Rock Slide, Brick Break, Smellingsalt.
actually you cant catch hariyama or makuhita in any of those games
Linoone, Mightyena has all of his moves practically covered. But it really depends who you are replacing them with. Linoone has good speed and attack, And not many people train them so i'd keep that in. i'd say get rid of Hariyama AS its defense is quite low, but it depends what you are putting in
makuhita evolves to hariyama.
for me the best Pokemon to use are blaziken wailord hariyama crobat sableye and rayquaza the Pokemon i used: salamence metagross latias latios and the big ??
Yes,it evolves into a Flaffy
hariyama doesnt evolve
Looks ok. 1st three look good but im questioning hariyama manectric and alakazam. plus i dont know their levels or moves. but hey what do i know? haha
No, Hariyama is a fully evolved Pokemon.
Hariyama learns Close Combat at level 52.
Hariyama is #297 in the national pokedex, and it is a Fighting type Pokemon.
actually you cant catch hariyama or makuhita in any of those games
u can get it from a hariyama u can find a hariyama in johto dark cave
it is manectric
Linoone, Mightyena has all of his moves practically covered. But it really depends who you are replacing them with. Linoone has good speed and attack, And not many people train them so i'd keep that in. i'd say get rid of Hariyama AS its defense is quite low, but it depends what you are putting in
You have to get Makuhita witch you get when the little girl in sangem town says that you can get them, and evolve it. Then you can get Hariyama. Hope i helped.
Go to Victory Road
tackle and focus energy-basic, sand attack lvl4, Arm Thrust - lvl 10, Vital Throw - lvl 13, Fake Out - lvl 19, Whirlwind - lvl 22, Knock Off - lvl 29, Smellingsalt - lvl 33, Belly Drum - lvl 40, Endure - lvl 44, Seismic Toss - lvl 51, Reversal - lvl 55