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actually you cant catch hariyama or makuhita in any of those games

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Q: Where do you catch hariyama in platinum?
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How do you get Hariyama?

evolve makuhita or catch it in victory road

Where do you get Hariyama in Pokemon SoulSilver?

In both HeartGold and SoulSilver, you need to go to Lavendar Town in Kanto. Then, go into the Rock Tunnel and catch a Makuhita. You will need to evolve it to get a Hariyama.

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you can't catch him in platinum but in soulsilver or heartgold you can catch him then trade it to platinum.

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Where to catch a hariyama in Pokemon diamond?

You cannot find wild Hariyama for attempted capture in Pokémon SoulSilver however you can find its pre-evolved form of Makuhita and it can be found in Union Cave, Slowpoke Well, Dark Cave, Mt. Mortar, in the Whirl Islands and Ice Path, in Mt. Silver, in the Cliff Cave and Diglett's Cave as well as in Mt. Moon, Cerulean Cave, the Seafoam Islands, Tohjo Falls, Victory Road and the Rock Tunnel and then you can evolve Makuhita at Level 24 in order for it to evolve into Hariyama.

How can i catch the 3 the regi's in Pokemon Platinum?

you cannot catch the 3 regi's in Pokemon platinum you have to catch them in Pokemon emerald then transfer them to Pokemon platinum. thnx

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No, it is inpossible to catch Jirachi on Diamon, Pearl or Platinum.

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you can't catch a zorua in Pokemon platinum unless you hack.

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You can't actually catch him in Pokemon platinum but you can migrate him over to platinum if you have him in another game

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you cant, charmander is not in platinum

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you cannot catch any regis in platinum you have to migrate them or trade for them but if you get regirock, regice, and registeel on platinum then you will be able to catch regigagas at level1 in the snow temple