Basically any gun that your good with.
or the mp9 are quite good if you like going in with no armour i would say the mp9 heavy armour i would say mg36 or watever it is haha
Press the 6 key on the opening title screen "to toggle super-slimeness!"
knife , rope , wrench , lead pipe, gun , candle stick
5. Cold 6. Heat 7. Gun etc.
I think u should probably get mp5 or save up for sop 10mm
PS3 with HD
"anal explorer"
12/31/2013 But it will be called: Rainbow 6 Patriots Check it out!
around $25
BIOSHOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd say Rainbow 6 depending on what kind of shooter you like... realistic or more fantasy like... and I'd compare them by their graphics, story and content... and yeah RAINBOW 6!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
For the mom give her yarn, the dad give him a gun, and for his date give her a rainbow pillow.
For the mom give her yarn, the dad give him a gun, and for his date give her a rainbow pillow.
# Army of 2 # Halo 3 # Rainbow 6 Vegas 2 # Guitar Hero 3 # Rock Band
Comcast Faster it's case sensitive so make sure you use capitals and it unlocks a map
if its for xbox 360 or ps3 go to cheat code central it has it under cheat codes go to r tab and click rainbow 6 Vegas 2 and it will give u the code k
Craig Vegas is 6' 1".
I have it for the Ps3, but I assume it's the same game.Yeah, i'd say it's pretty fun, but watch out, it gets pretty hard towards the end.