The best gears gun would be the shotgun or longshot, depending that u know how to popshot with the shotty. other than that the best weapon is a Boom shield combines with a Boltok pistol.
gears of war is the best but gears of war 2 is better
devin mcolister my best friend, he can pwn anyone
No he continues to live in Gears of War and Gears of War 2
The game has two sequels, Gears of War 2 which is out now and Gears of War 3 that is released in April 2011. Gears of War 3 is supposed to be the last.
Beat Gears of War 1 on Hardcore mode then put in the Gears of War 2 game disk, it will unlock General Raam for Gears 2.
id have to say the shotgun,...that is if you can popshot. If you have the second gears of war best gun would be the Boom shield combines with either a gorgon pistol or a Boltok.
call of duty 4 because it is so realistic and gears of war
gears of war is the best but gears of war 2 is better
The best gears gun would be the shotgun or longshot, depending that u know how to popshot with the shotty. other than that the best weapon is a Boom shield combines with a Boltok pistol.
In Gears of War the lancer is the gun with the chain saw bayonet
Moustafa Shehab is the best gears of war fan
Get a sniper rifle and master the headshot strategy. or get a shot gun (only in close contact) and shoot them to bits
Marcus fenix
Its awesome! You get to have a chainsaw bayonet on your gun, so its like a chainsaw that shoots.
No. Sorry. That's probably going to stay in the realm of Gears of War
for xbox 360 press and hold y but you have to unlock it first
It is Gears of war 2 and 1