

Best Answer

As of today, AGS is the best.


But still unknown, an update occured the night i updated this: There are now the Zaros Godsword and Guthix Godsword.

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Q: What is the best godsword?
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What is the best godsword on runescape?

An Armadyl Godsword Special Attack can hit up to 1228 (against monsters) 2 times after eachother making it the strongest Godsword (and the most expensive Godsword costing 32M).

Whats the best weapon to get on runescape?

I think the Godsword is the best weapon you could get. Each Godsword has diffrent high hits but all of them are good.

What are the rune scape god swords name?

Armadyl Godsword Zammorak Godsword Saradomin Godsword Bandos Godsword

Code for a godsword on project catastrophe?

the code for ags godsword is: 35 bandos godsword :667 and sara godsword is: 6006

What is with the armadyl godsword on godzhell?

The Godzhell site developer made the perfect ring and the armadyl godsword to be the best equipment in the game but there will be even better ones then these

How do you get a guthix godsword?

i am sorry but there is no such thing as guthix godsword in runescape but the is guthix armour but no guthix godsword

How much does a godsword cost on the GE on RuneScape?

Depends on which one. The Zamorak Godsword is about 20,199,995 and the Bandos one is about 19,199,995. Saradomin godsword is 49,900,000.Armadyl godsword is 68,800,000.

How can you put godsword shards together on runescape?

A Godsword is created by smithing together the Godsword Shard 1, Godsword Shard 2, Godsword Shard 3 (blade is made from these 3 shards) and the hilt with level-80 Smithing.

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How do you make a godsword?

You will Require the 3 Shards and the Hilt of a Godsword along with 85 Smithing to craft a Godsword: example for a Bandos Godsword you would need Shards 1, 2, and 3 and the Bandos hilt along with 85 Smithing to create the Bandos Godsword [well and a hammer and anvil but you find those everywhere] - Mathgeek135

How much is a bandos godsword?

a bandos godsword costs around 3.1 million but it changes a lot

What is the best godsword to get in runescape?

All Godswords are really powerful and Bandos relies on Strength. It lists: 1st: Armadyl 2nd: Zamorak 3rd: Saradomin 4th: Bandos The Armadyl Godsword Special Attack can hit up to 1228 (against monsters) for 2 times after eachother making it the strongest Godsword (and the most expensive one costing 32M).