A Godsword is created by smithing together the Godsword Shard 1, Godsword Shard 2, Godsword Shard 3 (blade is made from these 3 shards) and the hilt with level-80 Smithing.
Nothing, it just turn into it's components. You could always put it back together.
Click Set-up cannon stand. Your RuneScape character will automatically set up the rest.
i got to say the gods in the dungin wars or the ppl who owns it Let me make this more clearly the gods or any high lvl monsters in god wars dungeon or go to clan wars in red portal kill someone with a godsword but they might put on protecect 1 extra item :(it dose drop dragon 2h sord:) hard to kill :(
Pick some grain and then go to a mill. Put the grain into the mill and then collect the flour in a pot. Get some water in a bucket, and then put the two together and choose to make bread dough.
There is none, since Runescape is java based, and run from servers. People have attempted to 'macro' for their own gain on runescape, but the creators have put large measures in place to limit this.
You cant put the god sword shards together until after you have collected them all the i think you need a certain crafting level im unsure about the crafting part.
Nothing, it just turn into it's components. You could always put it back together.
Click Set-up cannon stand. Your RuneScape character will automatically set up the rest.
i got to say the gods in the dungin wars or the ppl who owns it Let me make this more clearly the gods or any high lvl monsters in god wars dungeon or go to clan wars in red portal kill someone with a godsword but they might put on protecect 1 extra item :(it dose drop dragon 2h sord:) hard to kill :(
"I returned to this forgotten village, trying to put the broken mirror of memory back together from so many scattered shards."
There is no such thing as runescape two.
there is a runescape 3 now ok. there is a runescape 2 but there is actually no runescape 3 The version that everyone plays in runescape 2. Runescape 3 is a scam site were you put in your username and password and it takes it.
Because you cant put the shards of pencil back on the pencil.
download it and then play it
oh lordy lord97
You can't, it is impossible to do that.
Pick some grain and then go to a mill. Put the grain into the mill and then collect the flour in a pot. Get some water in a bucket, and then put the two together and choose to make bread dough.