God armour is only for looks. Saradomin, Guthix, Zamorak, and the normal armour are all Equal. I would rather like zamorak though.
Full Rune.
gold armor is called gilded armor in runescape and is gained through treasure trails
They all have the same stats as Rune Armour, although Saradomin is the most popular - since it is the most expensive, and the only purpose God Armour serves is to display wealth.
Proselyte armour.
dragon arrows.like armor and weapons,dragon is the best besides special items.
The best armor for free-players is Rune, God armor is the same the same thing, just painted with the colors of a God. For members, the best armor is Dragon, also the most expensive.
There is no "best" armor in runescape, but armor such as the "nex" armor (Torva, Virtus, & Pernx) are some of the more elite types. Nex armor is dropped by the monster Nex in the gwd.
Zamorak is the evil God on Runescape.... also, you can buy his armor for a really high price form the grand exchange.. :)
Granite armor is the best armor to wear with 51 defence members.
Just like everything else in runescape, saradomin is the number 1 best armor in runescape since it is the most expensive. 4-5 mil
Full Rune.
The best ( but most expensive ) has to be armadyl.
gold armor is called gilded armor in runescape and is gained through treasure trails
They all have the same stats as Rune Armour, although Saradomin is the most popular - since it is the most expensive, and the only purpose God Armour serves is to display wealth.
Proselyte armour.
The best armor to wear in Runescape I would say is Bandos, mainly because a nice combination on Strength bonuses with Defense.
There isn't an armour called ''god armour'' But if you mean Zamorak Saradomin and Guthix,you can log in and check.