Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.
There is currently a Runescape 2 and it is a popular MMORPG. You can play it at the website www.runescape.com. It is a F2P (Free to play) and P2P (Pay to play). There was originally Runescape 2, but they renamed runescape 1 "Runescape Classic" and named runescape 2 just "runescape". Runescape classic is runescape 1. Runescape is runescape 2, but they dont call it 2, well most people dont, they just call it runescape. Ricco119
You can get a free account by registering at the Runescape site: www.runescape.com
the best armour for free to play players is the new corrupt dragon armour. The stats are just like the dragon armour except the corrupt dragon armour is for free players (non-members)
well really its Rune, coz there's nothing else you can use, also you mean 61 combat? or attack and def? if so then rune, have both rune scimmy and 2h and alternate between them, If your a ranger then use a 2h and bow. Hope it helped
Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.
The best Armour for Free-to-play characters are: Corrupt dragon - Melee Green D'hide - Ranged Combat Robes - Magic
No, Zamorak armor will not give a prayer bonus in RuneScape. It shares the same weapon attributes as Rune armor and is only more expensive because of its rarity and being a mark of wealth for Free to Play players.
runescape is a massively multiplayer game. you don't volunteer to play runescape, if you want to play it you play it. the best part about runescape is that its free, so signing up is easy. just go to their website runescape.com and click sign up.
There are no free-to-play poisoned weapons in Runescape, no.
Runescape is probably the best. I've played it for maybe 5-6 years now and still isn't old. maybe free play is old but if you become a mem you will play a lot cause it is so fun. i think you should play it
If you ask a friend who used to play RuneScape, you may be able to get their wealth.
No it is not. RuneScape is an online role-playing game that offers both pay-to-play and free-to-play options.
The best runescape player to ever play is zezima and virgilio114 & sk8dude478 they are legends.
The best Trade for Free-To-Play users is World 1, though there is also World 3.