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Q: What is the best early Pokemon in crystal?
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What are the best 6 Pokemon to have in Pokemon Crystal?

in Pokemon crystal the best Pokemon to have are feraligator(evolved form of totodile), weepinbell, kadabra, ledian (i would advise you to this Pokemon ice punch and headbutt), and pidgeot. these are the Pokemon i beat the elite four with

What is the best Pokemon you can catch in johto on Pokemon Crystal?

That would be... Ho oh or lugia

What is better game Pokemon Crystal dust or Pokemon liquid crystal?

I preference pokemon crystal

What is the best way to catch lugi in Pokemon crystal?

use a masterball.

What is the best Pokemon in crystal?

Lugia because it knows water moves and ho oh dont and they are the ultimates of crystal.

What is the mistery gift in Pokemon Crystal?

No, the Mystery Gift feature was introduced in generation II games.

In Pokemon Crystal where can you find dratini early?

you can win it from the game corner in goldenrod city for 9,999 coins

What is HM08 in Pokemon Crystal?

There is no HM08 in Pokemon Crystal. Pokemon Crystal has only 7 HMs that are available to use.

Where can you get a razor fang in Pokemon Crystal?

That item does not exist in the early games [gold/silver/crystal], but the closest thing to it is Quick Claw, which can be found by talking to the woman sitting on a park bench with her Pokemon in National Park.

Where can you find dark pulse in Pokemon crystal?

In Pokemon Crystal.

What is the best rod in Pokemon Crystal?

The best rod would be the a good rod instead of an old rod.

What is the best early Pokemon?

in emerald its torchick