This can help!
Deck Name: Strike Of The Dragon Lords (Lockdown/Beatdown Deck)
Deck: 60 Extra Deck: 2
Normal Monster cards (4) Fusion Monster cards (2)
1x Luster Dragon 1x Blue-Eyes Ultimate Dragon
3x Blue-Eyes White Dragon 1x Five-Headed Dragon
Effect Monster cards (26)
3x Totem Dragon
1x Spirit Ryu
2x Vanguard of the Dragon
2x Blizzard Dragon
2x Dodger Dragon
2x Infernal Dragon
1x Cave Dragon
2x Axe Dragonute
2x Handcuffs Dragon
2x White-Horned Dragon
2x Tiger Dragon
2x Felgrand Dragon
3x Tyrant Dragon
Spell cards (17)
1x Monster Reborn
3x Polymerization
2x Heavy Storm
3x Dragon's Mirror
2x Stamping Destruction
3x Axe Of Despair
3x Fusion Gate
Trap cards (13)
2x Burst Breath
3x Magic Cylinder
2x Dragon's Rage
2x The Dragon's Bead
3x Final Attack Orders
1x Call Of The Haunted
The best deck to stop kagemaru is one that does damage to him when he use's any of the three decks.
bubble beat
Go to to learn the rules. You can also get a rulebook in each structure deck and a "beginner's guide" in each starter deck.
no, but there is a yugo ap for the i phone where YOU make your own deck, or you can go to the deck doctor and you give him your deck and he will fix it up for you, or if you have a friend that is an absolute pro like me :), you can ask of him to help you with your deck.
The best deck for this card would most likely be a beast or an EARTH deck.
The best Yu-gi-oh player is Yugi because he started and has the best deck!
The best deck to stop kagemaru is one that does damage to him when he use's any of the three decks.
bubble beat
Well what is your yugioh deck?
Dino rabbit look it up. It is the best deck right now.
Go to to learn the rules. You can also get a rulebook in each structure deck and a "beginner's guide" in each starter deck.
no, but there is a yugo ap for the i phone where YOU make your own deck, or you can go to the deck doctor and you give him your deck and he will fix it up for you, or if you have a friend that is an absolute pro like me :), you can ask of him to help you with your deck.
It depends on what type of starter deck e.g. Yugioh 5ds, Yugioh GX, Yugioh!
Get the warriors triumph structure deck and improve from there.
Most likely a vanilla beatdown deck