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P90 Akimbo (Primary)

M93 Akimbo (Secondary)

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Q: What is the best combo of guns in MW2?
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Related questions

How much guns does MW2 have?

it has 45 guns

How do you you get banned for getting golden guns MW2?

you have to hack it to get gold guns

How do you get gold guns in mw2?

Golden guns in mw2 is not true i got max head shot for all my guns but no golden sry... but trust me its good without it ------------------------------------ You can't unless you hack.

What guns on MW2 are real?

I'm pretty sure that all of the guns in cod modern warfare 2 are real guns.

How many guns are there in MW2?

Well, I am not a big fan of Infinity Ward but I"ve played mw2 and I would have to guess including the campain I would say about over 50 guns and mabey a little over 100 guns when you unlock them all in multiplayer.

Can you get golden guns on mw2?

Yes, but only by hacking which you could get banned for.

What does scavanger pro do on MW2?

It gives you full ammo for all of your guns,

New Guns on Mw2?

New Guns are intervention , fal, f200, acr, WA200, M21 EBR, and more

On Call of duty mw2 .Xbox. 360 What is the best gun to use if yours only rank 40 or what will be the best guns to use if im close to unlocking some others?


Can you create an attachment for MW2?

no but u can put them on ur guns for custom classes

How do you do MW2 aimbothack?

It's not a glitch just basically 2 guns in your hands. :)

Do you keep your guns on MW2?

Yes up until you hit prestige at lvl 70