

Best Answer

Well,id have to say:tepig,patrat,pansage,timburr,tympole

and whatever else.$$

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Q: What is the best beginner Pokemon white team?
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What is the best Pokemon team to start with in Pokemon white?


What is the best team for the battle subway Pokemon white?

In my opinion, there is not a "best team". Take your most powerful Pokemon of major types, and battle with those.

What is the best Pokemon to have in your team in Pokemon White?

There isn't a best one! It all depends on how you train it, what moves you teach it, and how much you care for it. It is best to have a balance of all types on your team though, so you'll be ready for any situation! :D

What would be the best Pokemon team for the first 5 gym leaders in Pokemon white?

Starter Pokemon, Ground Type, Fighting Type, Fire or Flying type!

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There is no best team unless you hack it. any pokemon can be good if trained correctly

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my team

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The best Pokemon team in diamond is piplup, shinx, starly, machop, budew, and cranidos

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Well my team was Wigglytuff charizard

What is the best team for Pokemon Black and White 2?

I am about to start playing Pokemon Black 2 and I was thinking of my team, I decided t ogo with Samurott,Lucario and Electivire but can you guys help me pick the other 3 pokemons to have my team balanced ( no legendaries)

What is the best dark type pokemon team on blac and white?

Obviously, its Zorua! He's supe cute! :3 - This is what the last person said... well he asked for a TEAM not a single pokemon... but Zorue is good and cute :3

What are the best Pokemon team if you choose Squirtle as a beginner and only Pokemon caught in fire red?

blastoisebashfulhydro pumpsurfraindanceskullbashit will have to be lv. 55riachuthunderthunder boltrain dancemega kickdon't evolve it tell at least lv 26dragonairoutrageflamethrowerflyhyper beamlv55nidokingearthquakethrashsludge/sludgebombshadow ballabout lv?snorlaxbellydrumrestphycicsnorelapresicbeamblizzardreturn?:(hope i helped:)