Corrupt Dragon.
He was asking for the best, not the most convenient.
Rune is the best armor and the best version of it is Saradomin.
the best armour for free to play players is the new corrupt dragon armour. The stats are just like the dragon armour except the corrupt dragon armour is for free players (non-members)
No, but you can purchase trimmed armor from members.
Full Rune is the current best melee Armour for free to play characters.
In my opinion the best is a rune scimatar
The best armor in that mod is Halite armor.
Plate armor is the best to protect from ranged on non members since arrows, bolts and ranged attacks are weak against it. The best armor to protect from ranged on non members is rune plate and d'hide chaps.
Members: Undead Champion Non-Members: Shadow Ghoul
Non members CAN do the dragon slayer quest. That is how you get rune armor.
no, it's non-members but it's quite expensive.
Granite armor is the best armor to wear with 51 defence members.
it has to be primal armour
No they can be obtained by non members but they are esear to get if you are a member on RS A non-member can buy it, and use it. The same for Guthix and Zamorak armour.
the best armour for free to play players is the new corrupt dragon armour. The stats are just like the dragon armour except the corrupt dragon armour is for free players (non-members)
Well for f2p the best range armor is green d'hide and if u got about 1M u can get gold-trimmed set (for p2p the best is morigan's leather) As for melee : f2p-full rune (or gold-trimmed rune) ; p2p-dragon Edit: f2p corrupt dragon is better than rune. trimmed armor is the same as non-trimmed armor in terms of stats. Trova is the best melee armor for members.
The best armor for free-players is Rune, God armor is the same the same thing, just painted with the colors of a God. For members, the best armor is Dragon, also the most expensive.
on non members the best armors to protect from melee are plate armors, or chain mail. on non members the best one you can get is rune plate.